NEW ALBUM : Seven Textures of Sound
The Analog Session is a music project conceived in February 2009 by Maurizio Dami A.K.A. Alexander Robotnick and Lapo Lombardi A.K.A. Ludus Pinsky

Ludus Pinsky & Alexander Robotnick
Initially was a video project, it then became also a music project.
The two are playing electronic music on vintage instruments , mostly improvising in the 70s style but with a strong hint to modern techno-music.
Their videoclips are pretty popular on YouTube. Among them “N5 From Outer Space”, the band’s best known track currently scores more than one million hits on Youtube and “Funfare” over 400,000 views.
All the Analog Session’s music is based on improvvisation with analogue synths.
Alexander Robotnick and Ludus Pinsky released 4 albums: The first one (CD/DVD) is out of stock since time. “April”, “Black Ground” and “When Machines Get Funky” are released by Hot Elephant Music
Latest releases: When Machines Get Funky – Snippets
Early Morning Raga: Video on YouTube – Hot Elephant Music
Seven Textures of Sound Release Time November 12, 2021

The Analog Session – N5 from Outer Space
In the Audio section you can listen to our music hosted by SoundCloud
In the Video section you will watch our video-clips hosted by YouTube
In the Live section you will find all the info regarding our live show
And finally in the History section you will find detailed information about The Analog Session

Ludus Pinsky live

The Analog Session: Alexander Robotnick & Ludus Pinsky